Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Play Week

Feat feeble. Give me NoveList. Thing interesting. Maybe spend more time with it later on. The rest is a blur. 10/4/23/06/08. A padded cell would be so restful at this point.

RSS is really super something but not simple

23 Things will make me a better person. 23 Things will make me a better person. 23 Things will make me a... 23 Things will... 23 Things...23...2...3...

Saturday, June 14, 2008

The thrill of blogging and the agony of - blogging

June 15, 2008

Blogging theoretically could lessen my current social isolation. I dream about solitude. I read about solitude. I thrive in solitude. I don't think blogging, bull riding or bellydancing R me.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

One more technical thing

I am currently reading the article ""The 100 Best Products of 2008" by Mark Sullivan published in PCWorld on may 26, 2008. Flickr is rated/ranked #6.

Finding and posting this image is definitely a creative experience.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Reluctant to Reveal

So far I still prefer the privacy of individual communication both written and spoken, although I have started seeking blogs about art in fiction and reference librarianship. I am ambivalent about deeper sharing both written and visual. And what about lunch? Shared information without sharing food seems, well, just WRONG.